Cinemates is a social media network where you can easily find and save all of your friends' movie and TV recommendations.
Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.
Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.
The average American spends 23 minutes a day searching for content. Each day 44% of American viewers fail to find something to watch after tirelessly searching. An American is predicted to waste 1 year and 4 months of their lives searching for content. At Cinemates we’re on a mission to stop the searching and scrolling and start the watching.
Meet Cinemates.
Rely on your friends to send movies and shows your way. Ask for recommendations and help your friends discover something new.